
Sunday, September 13, 2009


16 weeks

Things have been going well since last I posted! The baby is growing appropriately and I keep getting bigger. I have gained a few pounds but I still weigh less than where I should be. I have felt some little flutters but I can't be 100% sure it's the baby. My next appointment will be the last week of September and that's when we'll find out if we're having a boy or a girl!!

Since I have been pregnant, I have been thinking about something that we could make that may be passed down through generations in our family. I originally wanted my Dad to make us a crib but he has settled for a bassinet which will be awesome but it's no crib. However, Brady has decided that he wants to make the crib! He has looked at the structure of our friend's crib and thinks that it wouldn't be too difficult to make one himself! I am so grateful for a handyman in my home and can't wait to see how it turns out.

Here is the onesie Brady picked out for the little one...
We are very anxious for this little one and cannot wait to hold him/her in our arms!

1 comment:

  1. Ambitious Brady. Sounds like fun. Really I just want to say that you guys have to come down conference weekend. That's it. Bye!
