
Thursday, October 29, 2009

New Project

We have been trying to figure out the colors of baby Cooper's room and we have decided on brown, tan, and blue. Of course there will be others but those are the main ones. So, I started a new project: a baby blanket!

I only started on this a few days ago and will continue to work on it on my "free" time. These are pretty much the exact colors we are going to do. The walls will be somewhat like the tan with brown and blue accents. We've been slowly looking for room decorations and it's so hard to decide so early...but our time is running short with the holiday's coming, our trip to Hawaii, and with the new semester starting in January. Our only time to do his room is during winter break which starts soon after Thanksgiving!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Large and in charge!

Brady and I can't seem to get over how fast I have grown in the last two weeks! I wonder how big I am going to get towards the end?? Things are still going great! We just registered today at Target and WalMart. Baby boy is moving tons and seems to be having a great time in my belly! As for names...we're pretty set on Cooper. We just can't think of a middle we are up for any suggestions!

Monday, October 19, 2009


Have I mentioned how much I am enjoying this pregnancy?? I am sooo grateful to finally have a healthy baby that is growing and kicking me like craZy!  Last night Brady and I were laying in bed just watching my belly move with all of his kicks and punches and we were discussing how our love for each other created a human that is growing INSIDE of me. It's such a miracle how things seem to work and it blows my mind how perfectly everything has to happen. How can anyone deny a Higher Power after being pregnant? The experiences that I have lived through as a mother has strengthened my testimony of the gospel and I feel a greater appreciation of the sacrifice that God gave His only begotten Son. I can't even imagine how difficult it must have been. For all you mother's out grateful for all the experiences (either good or bad) that you have gone or going through. You never know when you are taking something for granted until it's gone. 

Friday, October 16, 2009


Today we had another check up on our growing little baby. Everything looks PERFECT-except for one tiny little thing... our little girl suddenly became our little boy!! We are SO excited and shocked at the same time. It's kind of sad that we've been calling him a her for the past month, bought some girl stuff, and had everything figured out for a little girl. My mom even sent me this huge box full of adorable things she's made in the last month. I'm kind of disappointed that we are no longer thinking pinks and purples, but super excited that our handsome boy is healthy and growing strong! AND we are 100% sure it's a boy this's no mistaking his man parts!

I wasn't going to post a picture of his boy parts but I felt that I needed to prove that it's a boy for sure.

Monday, October 12, 2009


We finally have taken some pictures of our growing little girl. I don't really enjoy having them taken of me but I regret not taking them with our I guess this is a good way to make Brady take some! And of course my Mom needs to see pictures so here's just about everything we have for our little girl for her to see

21 weeks

First clothes that we bought specifically for a girl! It has a matching hat that goes with it.

Cute little blue jeans that have a lining it them so they'll be warm in February.

Fun burp cloths that Tara made us! Brady LOVES them!

I've been feeling pretty awesome these past few weeks! I am exhausted all the time and my hips are out of place but it's tolerable. I had my first 12 hour clinical this past week and I think I handled the long hours running around on my feet pretty well! The nurses didn't even know I was pregnant until some patient asked me :)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Half Way!

Things are AMAZING! I still keep growing and so does she. The morning sickness is pretty much under control except for the early mornings that I need to get up for clinical (which is around 5). But it doesn't last very long and Zofran has become a great friend of mine. I don't leave the house without it! Heartburn is still a major factor in my everyday life but it's something that I can handle and of course a little Prilosec goes a long way! I am always super tired which means bedtime can't come quick enough in our house...although it still seems to be around 12 because of school work. I still have not craved anything yet - which I have learned in my Nursing class that a craving means I'm lacking something in my diet - so I must be feeding this baby girl okay. I guess the only thing I can't seem to get enough of is water - I am constantly feeling thirsty even though I drink about 5-6 bottles of water a day. Sweets are also NOT on my grocery list...they make me feel terrible which is odd because every girl LOVES sweets.

Brady was FINALLY able to feel her kick this weekend. Anytime that he would try she would stop moving so we were pretty excited that he was able to feel how strong his little girl is. After a few strong kicks he goes "that's my girl!" He will be a wonderful daddy! He is so amazing and is just as excited as I am! After this little girl is born, I have about 6 weeks left of school until I graduate. During that time, Brady will be home to take care of her and help around the house. He is pretty excited that he gets this opportunity to stay home and spend a great deal of time with her. I am pretty jealous but I will have lots of time once I graduate!

So that's about it. I don't have any recent pictures to update you with but I will get some soon!