
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Large and in charge!

Brady and I can't seem to get over how fast I have grown in the last two weeks! I wonder how big I am going to get towards the end?? Things are still going great! We just registered today at Target and WalMart. Baby boy is moving tons and seems to be having a great time in my belly! As for names...we're pretty set on Cooper. We just can't think of a middle we are up for any suggestions!


  1. Cooper is adorable!! How about Cooper Brady Ellis. Lol. :) jk love ya

  2. That actually sounds pretty good!
    Kelsey and Brady, I am infinitely happy for you. And I really liked your post before this too. What a good example you are to me and I hope I remember this in my future family. Love you both, and send my love to your little boy. I'm so grateful that he is doing well and that he's making you happy in such a special way.

  3. You are getting big, but you still look beautiful!! I think Brady Cooper has a better ring to it, but he could still go by Cooper. I know a lot of people who do that.
